Episode 32: The universe is in the correct place, we are aliving and wonderful!

Welcome to Episode 32 of Hello You Podcast!

We start by talking about the universe that hovers over Louise’s head, alongside a mini menagerie of printed creatures. Louise, the treasure trove of ornithological awesomeness that she is, takes us into a deepcut about Goldcrests (and an RSPB link here) – because, well, birds are very cool. Neil, meanwhile, chats away about the Cognitive Bias Codex which folks on camera can now see as he’s turned his desk 90degrees.

We relatively swiftly move into wonder and walking. Louise has been walking in the rain within a group, uncovering hidden thoughts and ideas as she did so – including a fascinating jump into permitting distractions to leach into our awareness.

Somehow, a world erupts between Louise leaving the house and a man jumping in a pond. Neil breaks, minorly, momentarily as we decide that it’s all Jane Austen’s fault. It does make sense, in a HYP way, we promise…

Back to birds, Louise has been beautifully beset by skylarks up on Mount Caburn. Which leads to a whole new world: ALIVING.

This is a stunning addition to the English language – Thank You Louise! Neil vowing to try and use it in every possible context – and we dive into why for a while. It’s simply glorious – and thoroughly aliving.

In a semi-planned way, we sashay into a wonderful piece written by Lauren Hug, exploring how sharing human things helps us to connect with others (even in a business context). This leads us back to birds, and then out into a wonderful video by Monica Parker for Big Think about wonder – and why it’s more important than happiness.

Nature continues to create wonder – and who knew that cicadas have a 13 or 17 year emergence cycle? Lots of people, by the sounds of it – but it’s incredibly wonderful to dig in and find out more!

Finally, we move into a chat about leadership embodiment which is based on the principles of Aikido. Louise has been on a number of workshops, seeking to deepen understanding about how our physical selves react before our mental selves. It’s a fascinating way to think about how we are in the world, how we show up for ourselves and others – and how we adapt to the needs of any given situation.

What a place to round up! From aliving to embodying, via the wonders of nature – this can only be a glorious unfurling of a HYP episode! Listen in here – and don’t forget to let us know what you think!

Author: Neil Hopkins

Award-winning marketer trying to answer some of the big questions in social marketing, behaviour change, branding, what it means to be a Millennial and what's being served for lunch.

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